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give ground是什么意思_怎么读

give ground

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1.退却 muster: 聚集 give ground: 退却 furious: 狂怒的 ...

2.让步 get off the ground 起飞;有进展 give ground 撤退;屈服;让步 go to ground 退避; …

3.失利 ... give good measure 优惠多给。 give ground 退却, 让步, 失利。 give hell 使人受罪。 挨痛骂。 受 …

4.撤退 get off the ground 起飞;有进展 give ground 撤退;屈服;让步 go to ground 退避; …

5.心软 09. 箱子 BOXES 10. 心软 GIVE GROUND 02. 割爱 GIVE UP YOU TO HER ...


1.The assassination of a secular opposition leader is forcing an Islamist-led government to give ground. But how much?对世俗反对派领袖的暗杀迫使伊斯兰当局让步。但这步会让多远呢?

2.He said that his party was willing to give ground on a key Liberal Democrat demand and move towards a more representative voting system.他说,保守党在自民党关键的要求方面将作出让步,建立更加有代表性的投票体系。

3.Union leaders have signalled a willingness to give ground, but if they give too much they may not be able to win their members' backing.联合会领袖已经表示愿意作出让步,但如果他们让步太多,联合会的其他成员就会提出反对。

4.The army was forced to give ground when the enemy started its new offensive.当敌人发动新的进攻时,部队被迫撤退。

5.But he is under pressure from his southern-dominated army not to give ground.然而,总统先生却遭到了南部军方的压力——决不给叛军任何的余地。

6.Democrats, in turn, have made it clear that they will not allow cuts to entitlements unless the Republicans give ground on taxes.民主党,也继而挑明他们将不允许权利削减除非共和党在税上让位。

7.But Chinese exporters are a strong lobby. They will not give ground easily.但中国出口企业的游说能量很大,它们不会轻易退让。

8.In April, negotiations between the nine Nile countries broke down after Egypt and Sudan refused to give ground.4月,埃及和苏丹拒绝作出让步,九个尼罗河国家的协商随之破裂。

9.He may be tempted to give ground so as to secure a return to work, and get the bulk of his pension reform through.萨科齐总统可能想给民众带来利益,以让工人安心回去工作,并让他的退休金改革的大部分条款顺利通过。

10.At first, they had to give ground, but in exchange, they soon began to get large bags of prisoners.起初,共军不得不放弃一些地盘,但是换来的是,他们很快开始抓获大批俘虏。