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give lessons是什么意思_怎么读

give lessons

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1.授课 ◎ 授粉[ pollination] ◎ 授课[ give lessons;give instruction] ◎ 授权[ authorize] ...

2.上课要翻译为 even less 更不用说 give lessons 教课 let alone 更不用说 ...


1.Professor, I know it's really hard to give lessons to the students in four days a week, so what do you think of our students?教授,我想一周接连上四天以结束一整门课程对所有学生都不容易吧,您对我们的学生有什么看法和意见呢?

2.Secondary junior middle school begins , I give lessons right away always going to bed.从初中开始,我就总是上课睡觉。

3.The dry run reading is a student and did not give lessons at the teacher the current news reads the related text first.预习阅读是学生在教师未授课时事先阅读相关课文。

4.He began to give lessons.他开始上课。

5.About forty teachers give lessons to the children in the shows.教师的授课,大约四十岁的孩子们表现出来的。

6.Give lessons hereafter standing simply going round the back to avoid dozing off.以后上课干脆站到后面去,避免打瞌睡。

7.Currently, all primary schools are required to give lessons on human biology as part of the science curriculum.现在,所有的小学都被要求作为科学教育的一部分给孩子们上关于人体生物学的课。

8.Foreign Chinese grooms the organization has many give lessons with English, but final education result fares badly however.国外的汉语培训机构有不少是用英文授课的,但最终的教学结果却不尽人意。

9.Anyone can become a work of human resource managers dictate, to give lessons.变成谁都可以对人力资源经理的工作指手划脚、品头论足。

10.We give lessons on grafting, transplanting, training and caring for ornamental plants.我们传授嫁接、移植、整枝和养护装饰植物的课程。