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give it a go是什么意思_怎么读

give it a go

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na.1.<idiom>to have a try or attempt

1.试一试 ... 48. sit out the rock climbing 坐在外面旁观攀岩 49. give it a go 试一试 50. put on my helmet 戴上头盔 ...

2.放手一搏 01. 爱一个人快乐 Love One's Happiness 02. 放心一博 Give it a Go 03. 半生缘 18 Springs ...

4.尝试一下 ... ) be shy about 对……害羞的,不敢做……的,对……感到不好意思 ) give it a go 尝试一下 ) in a row 连续, …

5.搏一搏 Diaper 尿布 Give it a go 搏一搏 Proactive 积极主动的 ...


1.So why not give it a go and see how the GDS can support increased hotel distribution.那么,何不尝试一下,看看GDS能够如何提高酒店分销?

2.Ooh, bit touchy today. D'you want me to give it a go?今天的貌似有点棘手想要我试一下吗?。

3.I must confess that I have never actually eaten a grey squirrel, but I am prepared to give it a go.我坦承自己从来吃过灰松鼠,但我做好了大胆尝试的准备。

4.I'm not so sure I'll be able to fix your skateboard, but let's give it a go and see if it works.我不敢保证一定能把你的滑板修好,但我们试一试吧,万一要是可以呢。

5.But deep inside of that confidence told me to give it a go make a decision later!但内心深处的那份自信告诉我要搏一搏之后再做决定!

6.I was too scared to ask what this meant, but said I would give it a go.我太害怕了都没有去问那是什么意思,而是说我会试一试。

7.If you or someone you know is looking to make the switch to Gmail, check the list of supported email hosts and give it a go.如果您或者您认识的人正好需要把邮箱迁移到GMail,先查阅一下支持的email主机服务列表,然后赶紧试试吧!

8.Having had it recommended by a few friends and family I decided to give it a go and I am very glad I did.经过一些朋友和同事的推荐,我决定给孩子报一个早教班,而且我很庆幸我做了这样的决定。

9.Taxied up and down the runway a few times, just to flatten it out a bit, and he said, "Right, I'm going to -- I'm going to give it a go. "刚刚好,很惊险的着陆--飞机实际上飞过了4次,我有点担心它根本就不会试着着陆。

10.After weeks of preparations we were finally ready to give it a go.继多个星期的充分准备后,我们正式上台表演了。