give life to
美式发音: 英式发音:v.赋以生命给
1.赋予……生命 57 folk song 民歌 58 give life to 赋予生命 59 be the same with 与…情况相同 ...
2.给予…生命 cosmos 宇宙 give life to 给予…生命 nourish 滋养 ...
造句带翻译释义:,赋以生命给,赋予……生命,给予…生命1.It was an emotional time for me, with tremendous stress and the constant fear of losing this child I was fighting so hard to give life to.对我来说,那是一段情绪紧张的日子,承受着巨大的压力,时刻担心会失去这个得之不易的孩子。
2.They can help give life to a website, but it's been a little while since we've rounded up some free icon sets for you.它们给网站赋予活力,但自从上次我们为你推出免费图标集以来,已经有好一段时间了。
3.That with it We may give life to a dead land, and slake the thirst of things We have created, - cattle and men in great numbers.以便我借雨水而使已死的大地复活,并用雨水供我所创造的牲畜和人们做饮料。
4.Abraham lived by the promises of God and believed God could give life to what was dead.亚伯拉罕靠著神的应许而活,深信神可叫人从死里复生。
5.But, this may not be the case, as it is the writing and reading habits of people that give life to its functionality.可是,事实可能并非如此,因为书法的实用性其实来自文字的书写与应用习惯。
6.Personally, I cherish the moment when we give life to a picture on a piece of white paper.就个人而言,我珍惜那段将生命奉献到画动画的时光。
7.Its bright orange-red flowers give life to the seemingly monotonous green and brown colors of a dense, dark tropical rainforest understory.在稠密阴暗的热带雨林里,它鲜活的橙红色花朵将生命力带入这个看起来只有单调绿色与棕色的林下世界。
8.The creator says the team wants to give life to their robots by letting them dance like a real ballet dancer.创作者称他们的队伍想要赋予他们的机器人生命,让它们像一个真的芭蕾舞演员一样跳舞。
9.Stitch away in this multiplayer interactive experience and give life to nature and the animals around the Brazilian Rain Forest.针走在这多人互动体验,让生活与大自然和周围的巴西热带雨林的动物。
10.I gotta say that one of my goals for this year is to really learn a wide variety of expressions, so i can give life to my pictures.我得说我今年的目标之一,就是真正学习各种各样的表现手法,所以我可以一直生活在我的图片中。