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give notice是什么意思_怎么读

give notice

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un.1.to tell your employer that you are leaving your job, especially in a letter

1.通知 to say nothing of 更不必说 give notice 通知 have notice of 接到通知 ...

2.预先通知 get notice [美口]被解雇, 失业 give notice 通知, 通告; 预先通知(解雇、辞职等) give notice to 报告 ...

3.通告 ) further notice 在另行通知之前 give notice 通知,通告 ...

4.发出通知 ... TR3S Define Variant Group 定义变量组 TI0A Financial Product FRA:Give Notice 金融产品远期利率契约:发出

5.提出告知 ... 2. Weigh the Options( 考虑各项选择) 3. Give Notice提出告知) 4. No Obligation( 无法律上的义务条件下 …

6.提前通知 ... 13. get used to 习惯于;适应 14. give notice 提前通知(辞职,搬家) 15. give response to 做出反 …

7.此指提出辞呈 ... term 条件 give notice 事先让人知道;此指提出辞呈 get right to the point 直接说出重点;开门见山的说 ...

8.事先让人知道 ... term 条件 give notice 事先让人知道;此指提出辞呈 get right to the point 直接说出重点;开门见山的说 ...


1.The Company shall not be required to give notice to enforce strict adherence to all terms of this Agreement.本公司无须发出通知,严格执行本协议的所有条款。

2.Firman knows nothing about your plans. You'll tell him as soon as you're ready to give notice.但菲尔曼对你的计划却一无所知,你打算一旦准备就绪就告诉他。

3.Did not give notice within the prescribed time or specify the claim is based, will constitute an irrevocable acceptance of these products.未在规定时间内发出通知或未具体说明索赔依据的,则构成不可撤销地接受上述商品。

4.The whistle blew to give notice that the boat was about to leave.汽笛声响了,告诉人们船就要起航了。

5.blew to give notice that the boat was about to leave.汽笛声响起是告知船即将启航。

6.He shall give notice in writing to the Registrar and to the demise charter (if any) that he wishes the ship's registration to BE closed.将他打算终止该船舶的注册事以书面通知注册官及转管租约承租人(如有的话)。

7.In this event, he shall give notice to the Contractor of the name, address, duties and authority of the Employer's Representative.在此情况下,他应将雇主代表的姓名、地址、任务和权利通知承包商。

8."The president will give notice with regard to the continuation of his tenure" on Wednesday, Libai added.黎波还说:“总统将在星期三就他继续留任的问题发表声明。”

9.The party who fails to perform must give notice to the other party of the impediment and its effect on his ability to perform.不履行义务的一方必须将障碍及其对他履行义务能力的影响通知另一方。

10.want to make one individual redundant, we consult with the person and the trade union. And of course, we have to give notice .噢,如果我们要减少一名多余的工人,我们会同那名工人和工会交换意见。当然,我们还必须提早通知。