give thanks
美式发音: 英式发音:na.感谢
1.献上感恩 thanks for 因…而感谢 give thanks 献上感恩;献上感恩的心;国;心存感谢 thanks so 由于 ...
2.感谢 54. get to work 开始工作 54. give thanks 感谢,致谢 57. in that spirit 基于同样心意 ...
3.献上感恩的心 thanks for 因…而感谢 give thanks 献上感恩;献上感恩的心;国;心存感谢 thanks so 由于 ...
4.表示感谢 Jog Your Memory 慢慢回忆 Give Thanks 表示感谢 Round Up Your Contacts 整理联系方式 ...
5.称谢 54. get to work 开始工作 54. give thanks 感谢,致谢 57. in that spirit 基于同样心意 ...
7.欢欣梁敬生(Kinsen Leung) - 欢欣(Give Thanks)by Joychoir01 736 views 6:17 欢欣by Ed Suen 13,533 views 3:24 欢欣by poonfungs…
造句带翻译释义:,感谢,献上感恩,献上感恩的心,表示感谢1.I took a drive today Time to emancipate I guess it was the beatings Made me wise But I'm not about to give thanks Or apologize.我今天去飙车,是时候解放了,我想这对我的聪明才智是个挫折,但我也不打算道谢或说什么。
2.I'd like to give thanks for Grandpa coming to live with us. And I'd also like to thank my math teacher for giving me a passing grade.我感谢爷爷到这儿和我们一起生活。我还要感谢我的数学老师给我及格分数。
3.and will give thanks to the gods (2)that they have had, at least, so much mercy on us.你我不妨将这句话理解成:“杂耍收场”,并感谢神灵,因为他们终于对我们大发慈悲。
4.Thanksgiving Day is also a day for students to give thanks to parents and teachers. for people still thank of it as a day for giving thanks.学生们在感恩节表达对父母和老师的感谢。因为人们认为这是表达谢意的日子。
5.And if it is not, I shall fall to my knees and give thanks.如果不是的话,我要跪倒在上苍面前,深深致谢。
6.It's getting easier to see yourself achieving your dreams. Give thanks to your teammates -- you're doing it together.看自己美梦成真更加容易了。感谢你的组员--你们一起同心协力。
7.KJV: For if I by grace be a partaker, why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks?新译本:我若存着感恩的心吃了,为什么我因着我所感恩的食物被人毁谤呢?
8.He prays from the heart with deep feeling and meaning. He always remembers to give thanks for his descendants.在他那衷心的祷词中,常蕴含着深刻的感受,实在饶有意味。
9.Consequently, we always give thanks in the name of Jesus Christ and we do not reject the grace that has come to us through him.其结果就是,我们总是将感谢献于耶稣基督的名,我们也不会拒绝经由祂赐给我们的恩典。
10.We give thanks to God, praying always for you, since we heard of the love which ye have to all the saints.我们感谢上帝我们主耶稣基督的父,常常为你们祷告;因听见你们在基督耶稣里的信心,并向众圣徒的爱心。