give thanks to
造句带翻译释义:1.and will give thanks to the gods (2)that they have had, at least, so much mercy on us.你我不妨将这句话理解成:“杂耍收场”,并感谢神灵,因为他们终于对我们大发慈悲。
2.Thanksgiving Day is also a day for students to give thanks to parents and teachers. for people still thank of it as a day for giving thanks.学生们在感恩节表达对父母和老师的感谢。因为人们认为这是表达谢意的日子。
3.It's getting easier to see yourself achieving your dreams. Give thanks to your teammates -- you're doing it together.看自己美梦成真更加容易了。感谢你的组员--你们一起同心协力。
4.We give thanks to God, praying always for you, since we heard of the love which ye have to all the saints.我们感谢上帝我们主耶稣基督的父,常常为你们祷告;因听见你们在基督耶稣里的信心,并向众圣徒的爱心。
5.I give thanks to God that He wants to set me free. He wants me to be normal.感谢主,祂要使我得释放,祂渴想我能活得正常。
6."We give thanks to God that we were able to resist" eating it all right away.“我们感谢上帝给我们能够抵御”吃这一切的时候了。
7.Traditionally, Thanksgiving is a religious holiday, as a time to give thanks to God for the blessings in one's life.感恩节是一个传统的宗教节日,是人们用来感谢上帝所赐予他们的福气。
8.After a year of great hardship, the colonists wanted to give thanks to God for their first harvest.经过了一年的努力,殖民者想要将自己对于第一份收获的感激之情传达给上帝。
9.Even get into the blood jam at the rising, he give thanks to his parents for the birth at awarding event .事业刚刚有所起色,又被陷入血缘困境,但是却在得到大奖的时候感谢父母把他带到这个世界上。
10.So shall I give thanks to you in the name of the majesty which ordained your birth.而我终将向汝致谢,以授与汝之源的威权之名。