give the feeling of
造句带翻译释义:1.The fact that most of us have many years ahead of us, doesn't give the feeling of scarcity now does it?事实上,我们大多数人在度过之前的许多年月时,对它却没有稀缺的感觉。
2.The image is ping he, paper money to give the feeling of a dream.纸币形象非常平和,给人一种如梦似幻的感觉。
3.Using Tint and color matching method at the same time, to give the feeling of bright colors, and an eye for protection.采用消色与彩色同时搭配的方法,给人以明快的感觉,又保护眼力。
4.You can move them parallel to each other to give the feeling of depth.你可以移动它们,使它们相互平行,以制造纵深感。