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give thought to是什么意思_怎么读

give thought to



1.考虑 on average 平均,一般而言 give thought to 考虑 attach to 贴上,系上;使附属,使依恋 ...

2.思考 ... philosopher's stone 哲人之石,点金石,魔法石 give thought to 考虑,思考 mountain range 山脉 ...

3.考虑某事 give rise to 产生,导致 579. give thought to 考虑某事 580. glimpse 一瞥 581. ...

4.考虑到 51. chop out 减少,降低 52. give thought to 考虑到 50. in a …fashion 以….方式 ...


1.What you give thought to and desire to manifest will at some time do so.那些你所给予了想法和愿望的,希望实现的,将在某个时刻成真。

2.Beyond today's needs, suppliers would be well advised to give thought to boosting investment to secure production for tomorrow.我们建议,供应厂商都应该越过今天的各种需要,周到地考虑为保证明天的生产而扩大投资。

3.Consider these traits and then give thought to your own style.想想这些特点然后对照一下你自己。

4.Few give thought to the suffering that sin has caused our Creator.少有人思考罪恶给创造主所带来的痛苦。

5.Bird's vocal system is the simple model of studying human language phonation and it can give thought to the construct prosthetics , etc.鸟类发声系统是人类语言发声系统的简单模型,能为修复外科等学科的研究提供借鉴。

6.Give thought to what you can do and what you can't do before seeking a job.求职前,考虑一下你能做什么,不能做什么。