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give treatment是什么意思_怎么读

give treatment


1.Methods Make a diagnosis and give treatment by gastroscope to 32 patients who have been performed an Operation on abdominal or other region.方法应用胃镜对32例因腹部及非腹部手术而发生胃瘫的病人进行诊治。

2.Hard not Gan don't make a diagnosis and give treatment, after a month can be natural subsidise, left a shallow scar or pigment spot.硬不疳不诊治,一个月后可自然消退,遗留一个浅的疤痕或色素斑。

3.If the ELou continue not net, should be checked to the hospital make a diagnosis and give treatment, sexual also has to be postponed.如果术后恶露持续不净,应到医院检查诊治,房事也需推迟。

4.Day or night, wind or rain, the doctors of our hospital give treatment whenever and wherever needed.不管白天黑夜,刮风下雨,我院医生不论何时何地需要都可随时出诊。

5.In bosseyed amblyopia minute respect of make a diagnosis and give treatment has certain strong point.在斜视弱视分钟诊治方面有一定特长。

6.Objective To make a diagnosis and give treatment to PE early and evaluate their significance.目的对肺栓塞(PE)的患者进行临床诊治,评价早期诊断及治疗的意义。

7.He opened hospitals to give treatment to local people and soldiers, and to train doctors and nurses.他开了医院,并提出处理向当地人民和士兵并培训的医生和护士。

8.In HLA-B27+ AAU case, to observe the relapse of AAU, give treatment in time, prevent the complications and decelerate the disease progress.对于HLA-B27阳性病例,注意疾病的复发情况,发现复发及时就医治疗,以减少并发症的发生减缓病情进展。

9.Day and night , wind or rain, they give treatment whenever and wherever needed.日日夜夜,风里雨里,什么时候需要他们,哪里有病人,他们就去治疗。

10.One person is changed -- what the doctor makes a diagnosis and give treatment to change Dai Xin for every patient is medical balata glove.一人一换——医生为每位患者诊疗都换戴新的医用橡胶手套。