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give vent to是什么意思_怎么读

give vent to

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na.1.to express very strong anger or sadness

1.发泄 motor abreaction 运动性精神发泄 give vent to 吐露,发泄 vt. 发泄(怒火), 报仇 ...

2.吐露 motor abreaction 运动性精神发泄 give vent to 吐露,发泄 vt. 发泄(怒火), 报仇 ...

3.发出 give vent to 发泄,发出(强烈的情绪) give vent to one's flames of anger 发泄怒火, 出气 ...

4.宣泄 B.heap praise upon 赞扬堆起来 大加赞赏(见下面) C.give vent to 宣泄 吐露 (coincident adj 同时发生的) ...

5.发泄,吐露 get hold of 抓住,掌握 give vent to * 发泄,吐露。。。 go back on 违背 ...

6.泄愤 泄露底细 2. 泄愤[ give vent to (personal)spite] 失去干劲儿 5. 泄恨[ give vent to (personal)spite] ...

7.泄恨 泄露底细 2. 泄愤[ give vent to (personal)spite] 失去干劲儿 5. 泄恨[ give vent to (personal)spite] ...


1.Do not want to say that with the home, said it may not be able to give vent to their exports.不想跟家里说,说了也未必能够找到宣泄的出口。

2.Gradually I got used to the atmosphere there, and I knew my own mood at that moment: I was eager to give vent to.我渐渐地适应了这里的气氛,才了解到自己此时的心情:寻求发泄。

3.He was about to give vent to his fury, when the butler, Kao Sheng, came in with a message that made his heart miss a beat.他狂怒到几乎要开口大骂,可是当差高升走上来又说了一句叫人心跳的话。

4.I have no idea to express my frame of mind now Even do I not know how to give vent to my feeling that make me so heart-rending .不知道表达我的心情我现在不会给发泄使我很伤心的我的感觉。

5."You shouldn't have come out here, " said Lester finally, before Louise could give vent to the rising question in her mind.“你是不该到这里来的,”雷斯脱不等露意丝提出心中的问题,就先说道。

6.Because off firecrackers to enhance the festive atmosphere, fun people to be able to give vent to their excitement.因为放鞭炮能增添节日的气氛,能发泄人们欢乐兴奋之情。

7.I may a person cry, may also give vent to the friend. But I only hoped that the parents can be better.我可以一个人落泪,也可以对朋友发泄。但我只希望父母能更好。

8.it makes me feel very exciting and shocking. Exposure to rock music, let me give vent to their annoyance.它会让我感到很刺激和震撼。置身于摇滚音乐中,能让我宣泄烦恼。

9.Writing diary is always regarded as a good way to give vent to your emotion.写日记一直被认为是情绪宣泄的一个很好的方式。

10.Last night, I finally have bought many fireworks, how is casual they to give vent to the innermost feelings pain.昨晚,我终于买了许多的烟花,随便他们怎么发泄内心的痛苦。