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give up the ghost是什么意思_怎么读

give up the ghost

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na.1.to stop trying to do something because your efforts have been unsuccessful2.if a car or other machine gives up the ghost, it stops working completely3.to die

1.死 7. gird up one’s loins 束好腰带;准备行动。 8. give up the ghost 。 9. glean ears of corn 拾穗。 ...

2.完蛋 ... 《Codex》( 法典,5’1”) 《Give Up The Ghost》( 完蛋,4’50”) 《Separator》( 分隔符,5’20”) ...

3.作古 meet the maker (见造物主), give up the ghost作古), kick the bucket (翘辫子)。 二、婚恋状 …

4.断气 ... give up the spirit 死去 give up the ghost 死,断气 give up the ship 承认失败,认输, 放弃 ...

5.气绝 go to Jerico 到耶利哥城去;不知去向;滚开;去你的吧。 give up the ghost 放弃灵魂;断气;放弃。 gnash one’s teeth 咬 …

8.见阎王了 ... gather home 回老家 give up the ghost 见阎王了 go out of this world 离开人间 ...


1.If any company should just give up the ghost and get out of China before making any more PR (and human rights) gaffes, maybe it's Yahoo.如果一家公司能够轻易得放弃自己的道德准则,并且因此在退出中国市场前制造出更多公关(和人权)丑闻的话,那也许只有Yahoo才能办的到。

2.My bike is ready to give up the ghost.我的自行车要报废了。

3.Why died I not from the womb? why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly?为什么我不从母腹里吗?为什么我不能放弃这个幽灵当我出来的时候的肚子里吗?。

4.Get completely virtual, stop publishing graphic-laden, information-less trash and give up the ghost.获得完全虚拟的信息,停止发布图片吧,减少垃圾信息。

5.When a relationship dies, do we ever really give up the ghost?当一段感情逝去我们究竟能不能摆脱阴霾?

6.give up the ghost To cease living or functioning; die.停止活着或行动;死了