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give way是什么意思_怎么读

give way

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v.succumb,yield,give in,submit,surrender


na.1.崩溃,倒塌;失败,屈服,让步 (to) 支持不住,忍不住...了出来2.划起来,用力划3.(价格)跌落

na.1.if something gives way, it breaks or falls down because there is too much weight or pressure on it2.to agree to something that someone else wants instead of what you want3.to allow another vehicle to go before you when you are driving. The usual American word is yield4.to be replaced by something, especially something newer or better1.if something gives way, it breaks or falls down because there is too much weight or pressure on it2.to agree to something that someone else wants instead of what you want3.to allow another vehicle to go before you when you are driving. The usual American word is yield4.to be replaced by something, especially something newer or better

1.让路 put to use 使用,利用 give way 让路,让步 lead the way 带路,引路 ...

2.让步 put to use 使用,利用 give way 让路,让步 lead the way 带路,引路 ...

3.屈服 nephew n. 侄,甥 give way 让步;屈服 take the middle course 采取折中办法 ...

4.倒塌 by way of 经由,作为 give way 屈服,倒塌 go one's own way 按自己的意愿行事 ...

5.让路,让步 give way to 让位于;给…让路 give way 让路,让步;撤退 glance at 浏览,(粗略地)看一下 ...

6.退让 Give rise to 引起 使发生 Give way 退让 屈服 Go into effect 生效 ...

7.让行 18,One Street 单行道 19,Give Way 快车先行 20,Do Not Pass 禁止超车 ...


1.As if, however, to falsify this assertion, his legs seemed to give way, and he suddenly sat down to save himself from falling.但是仿佛要证明他在说谎似的,他的两条腿支持不住了,为了防止跌倒,他只好一屁股坐下来。

2.Yet with the review now at a critical stage, the EU appears ready to give way to protectionist voices in its member states.然而,就在该审查目前处于关键阶段之时,欧盟却好像已准备为各成员国的保护主义势力让路了。

3.One is that the numbers aren't all that positive, and a few good days could easily give way to a disappointing run.一个是数字并不是所有积极的,良好的天数可以很容易地让位于一个令人失望运行。

4.Hundred years of cultural discussion tangled, do not give way, one of the reasons is that there is no attention to this distinction.百年来文化讨论纠缠不清,各不相让,原因之一就是没有注意这个区分。

5.Be ready to slow down or stop at the Give way line to let them cross.你应减速,预备在让路前停下来,好让他们横过马路。

6.Even where there is a Give way sign it is often better to stop before you turn.即使路上设有让字的标志,在转弯前,最好仍先停车。

7.Emerson said: "A move toward their goals is always people who gave him the whole world to give way. "爱默生说:“朝着永远前进的人,整个世界都给他让路。”

8.Hopes that the fracture of the euro zone might be averted by far-sighted policymakers could give way to a belief that it is inevitable.有远见的政治家会设法避免欧元区的破裂,但这种希望也可能让位于另外一种信念,即所有这一切都不可避免。

9."Do not touch" signs give way to outright encouragement to tinker, see, hear, feel and, crucially, figure stuff out for oneself.“请勿触摸”的告示让位于完全的鼓励;对于敲敲打打,看,听,感觉以及最重要的--自己弄明白点什么。

10.move hesitatingly, as if about to give way.踌躇地走动,好像打算让路。