美式发音: 英式发音:adj.几乎无毛的;(老年或到成熟期时)变光秃的
1.无毛的 ... gizzard 肌胃 glabrate 无毛的 glabrous 无毛的 ...
2.平滑的 ... glabellum 眉间 glabrate 平滑的 glabrescent 会变成无毛的 ...
3.平秃的 ... glabrate [生]平滑的,平秃的 glossy 平滑的,有光泽的 ...
4.近光滑2. 近光滑(glabrate):本质上为光滑,但若用放大镜等去观察的话,可发现部份被覆,唯通常极稀疏,且细微.3. 短柔毛(pubescent):此为 …
造句带翻译释义:,几乎无毛的,变光秃的,平滑的,平秃的,近光滑1.branches terete, with rounded lenticels, slightly rough, glabrate.枝圆柱状,带有圆形皮孔,稍微粗糙,脱毛。
2.rachis and pedicels white tomentose when young, glabrate, with sparse, small lenticels.白色被绒毛的轴和花梗幼时,脱毛,带有稀少,小皮孔。
3.rachis and pedicels glabrous or slightly pubescent when young, glabrate.无毛的轴和花梗或者幼时稍具短柔毛,脱毛。
4.branchlets yellow-brown appressed pubescent, glabrate.小枝黄棕色贴伏短柔毛,脱毛。
5.Leaf base rounded; blade hairy only along veins adaxially, glabrate in age. Inflorescences and abaxial surface of calyx densely hairy.叶基部圆形;正面的叶片有毛的只沿脉,年龄脱毛。花序和背面花萼有密毛。
6.Branchlets purple when desiccate, glabrate.小枝紫色的干燥时,脱毛。
7.branchlets dark purple, terete, glabrate, lenticellate.小枝深紫色,圆柱状,脱毛,具皮孔。
8.Stem 70--100 cm tall, densely appressed puberulent and glandular puberulent near base, glabrate on other parts, simple.100厘米高的茎,浓密贴伏被微柔毛和具腺的近基部,另1面光滑,单。
9.ultimate segments lanceolate to linear, 0. 5--2 mm wide, margin sparsely glandular ciliate to glabrate, apex acute.末回裂片披针形到线形,0.5-2毫米宽,边缘疏生具腺缘毛在光滑,先端锐尖。
10.3 (2) Leaf blade hairy only along veins adaxially, glabrate in age.正面的叶片有毛的只沿脉,在年龄方面的光滑。