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美式发音: [ˌɡleɪʃiˈeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌɡleɪsiˈeɪʃ(ə)n]





1.冰川作用the process or result of land being covered by glaciers


n.1.The derivative of glaciate2.the process in which land becomes covered by glaciers

1.冰川作用 girder-type bridge 梁式桥 glaciation 冰川作用 gland 封头;压盖 ...

2.冻结成冰 glaciated shelf 冰成陆架 glaciation 冻结成冰 glaciation boundary 冰蚀边界 ...

3.冰河作用 冰河学 glaciology 冰河作用 glaciation 汹涌, 高涨 surge ...

4.冰蚀 glaciated 受冰川作用的 glaciation 冰蚀 glacier till 冰碛物 ...

5.冰河项 glaciar stadial 亚冰期 glaciation 冰川酌 glacier 冰川 ...

7.冰河酌 glacial relict 冰河期残遗物 glaciation 冰河酌 glade 林中空地 ...


1.The Great Lakes basins were excavated by the ice, and many present landforms are the result of this continental glaciation.五大湖盆地都是冰挖掘出来的,如今许多现有地形都是这种大陆冰川作用的结果。

2.Glaciation may also be conducive for the formation of supergiant sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits.冰川作用也可能是有益的对于超大铜矿石岩层的沉积物的形成。

3.The southernmost extent of this enormous glaciation extended well into the present-day United States and Mississippi basin.巨大的冰川作用的最南部延伸到今天的美国和密西西比河流域。

4.Besides the Bow Valley, evidence of glaciation also appears in this image south of the lake, in the amphitheater-shaped cirque.除了被迷你汪卡湖占据的弓河谷外,冰川作用的证据还可以在南部的圆形冰斗处找到。

5.Studies show that the formation of the ice bodies in the ice cave is related mainly to Quaternary glaciation.初步研究表明,冰洞洞体的形成,主要与该区第四纪早期冰川作用有关。

6.It's a fitting name for the glittering world, perennially locked in ice age and covered in crystallized glaciation.对这个银光闪闪的世界来说,它再合适不过了,因为麦基托永远停留在冰河时期,表面永远被结晶冰川覆盖着。

7.A cold period marked by episodes of extensive glaciation alternating with episodes of relative warmth .一个寒冷的时期,其特点是广泛的冰河作用间段与相对暖和的间段相互交替。

8.The canyon is a classic V-shaped valley, indicative of river-type erosion rather than erosion caused by glaciation.大峡谷是一个典型的V形河谷。这表明了大峡谷是河道型侵蚀,而不是冰川引起的侵蚀。

9.These hills were formed by glaciation.这些山丘是冰川作用形成的。

10.These changes alter the intensity of sunlight hitting the Earth at high latitudes, and so affect the extent of glaciation.这些变化改变了高纬度区域的日照强度,由此影响了冰河作用的范围。