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give up是什么意思_怎么读

giving up是give up的现在分词

give up

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网络释义:放弃吧;轻言放弃;放弃了第三人称单数:gives up  现在分词:giving up  过去式:gave up  过去分词:given up  



na.1.to stop doing something that you do regularly; to stop thinking or believing something; to stop doing something that you are trying hard to do2.to allow someone to have something that was yours; to use your time for one activity instead of another3.if you give yourself up, you allow yourself to be arrested by the police4.if you give something up as lost, you believe that you will not find it and you stop looking for it1.to stop doing something that you do regularly; to stop thinking or believing something; to stop doing something that you are trying hard to do2.to allow someone to have something that was yours; to use your time for one activity instead of another3.if you give yourself up, you allow yourself to be arrested by the police4.if you give something up as lost, you believe that you will not find it and you stop looking for it

1.放弃吧 ... the only one for my cold heart 仅存的一丝温暖 giving up, 放弃吧, why should I 我想尽办法 ...

2.轻言放弃 ... 3. Not taking action 错误三:没有采取行动 4. Giving up 错误四:轻言放弃 6. Dabbling with it 错误六:浅尝辄止 ...

3.放弃了 All gone 空无一蛋 Giving up 放弃了 Enjoy life 好好过日子 ...

4.算了吧 ... The only warmth from my cold heart 温暖我那颗已经冷却的心的人 Giving up 算了吧 why should I 我想尽办 …

5.自暴自弃4. 自暴自弃(Giving Up)  当孩子觉得自己无价值, 便失去了对抗和报复的勇气, 便以表现无能来逃避别人对他的要求.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ …


1.How much control over our words, photos, and identities are we giving up by using someone else's site for our personal information?我们使用其他人的站点来分享自己的信息,这样使我们对自己的言辞、照片和身份记录失去了多少控制?

2.The prospect of making cold calls for a week as a salesperson is more unappealing than giving up sex for a month, a survey showed.以销售人员的身分打行销电话一周,这样的情况比起放弃性爱一个月还令人不快,本周的一份调查显示。

3.Equally, to think, "Oh well at least I tried, " would also be feeble, suggesting you were giving up.同样,“好吧,至少我试过了”的想法也站不住脚,这说明你要放弃了。

4.He said his former boss has no intention of giving up the helm, and that the plan will keep Lehman in business.他成他的前任老板目前并不打算放弃这首战舰,他的计划将使雷曼傲立于商界。

5.So, instead of trying to repay you, I'm learning to simply obey you by giving up my life to you for all that you've given to me.所以,我不再试图回报祢,而是学习单单顺服祢,将自己的生命献上,因祢已为我付上了一切。

6.However, as time flies, I understand gradually that giving up to choose is just one of those choices.但是随着时间的流逝,我渐渐明白了,不选择本身也是一种选择。

7.It seems to me that we are giving up too much in this case.我觉得这笔生意我们似乎让步太大了。

8.Last week I saw a young man giving up his seat to a woman with a baby in her arms on a bus.上周,我在公共汽车上看到年轻人给怀抱婴儿的妇女让座。

9.How serious was the wound he did not know, but he had no thought of giving up.他不知道自己伤得有多重,可是他还是不想放弃。

10.Japan should think about giving up Antarctic "research" , he said, in return for a limited resumption of commercial coastal whaling.他表示,日本不应该再在南极地区进行研究性捕鲸,而应该有限制地恢复沿海商业捕鲸。