美式发音: [ˈɡlædiˌeɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈɡlædiˌeɪtə(r)]n.(古罗马)角斗士
网络释义:神鬼战士;终极斗士;斗剑者复数:gladiators 同义词
gladiatorn.1.(古罗马)角斗士(in ancient Rome) a man trained to fight other men or animals in order to entertain the public
n.1.(古罗马的)斗剑者,角斗士2.格斗者(尤指职业拳击者)3.争论者 ancient Rome, someone who fought against wild animals and other gladiators as a form of public entertainment
1.角斗士 《妈妈咪呀!》( Mamma Mia) 《神鬼战士》( Gladiator) 《永不妥协》( Erin B…
3.终极斗士 惊心交易 The Deal 终极斗士 Gladiator 回头是岸 Somebody Up There Likes Me ...
4.斗剑者 死亡坦克( SLAYER TANK) 斗剑者( GLADIATOR) 3、高级补给站( ADV HELIPAD) ...
5.格斗士ges)全国11841羽特比/成鸽总冠军的祖父就是格斗士(Gladiator)也! 2005年,三人再接再厉,拿下查特路联省2576羽冠军,利 …
6.争论者 glad adj. 高兴的 gladiator n. 斗剑者,争论者 gland n. 腺 ...
7.帝国骄雄 花木兰 Mulan 帝国骄雄 Gladiator 星际大战首部曲 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Mena…
造句带翻译释义:,角斗士,神鬼战士,终极斗士,斗剑者1.In his view, the contemporary was an age of darkness, he was a hermit more than a gladiator.在他看来,当代是一个黑暗的时代,但他不是一个斗士,而更象一个隐士。
2.A pair of ankle-high gladiator shoes will cut the length of your legs.一双及踝罗马鞋会使你的腿看上去很短。
3.Another gladiator team -- a tauren, a troll, and an undead managed by a goblin -- watch Spike and wonder what he's up to.另外一个角斗士队伍——一个牛头,一个巨魔以及一个亡灵和他们的地精经纪人——看着狼牙,不知道他在干嘛。
4.If you want him in a gladiator costume, don't let him start poking around in your shoe closet.比如你想要他来个角斗士造型,叫别让他在你的鞋柜里漫无目的地寻找。
5.The nearest Roman town was St Albans - or Verulamium - a busy market on Watling Street with its own gladiator theatre.最近的罗马城叫做圣奥尔本斯——或维鲁拉米恩——沃特林街道上一个繁忙的市场,拥有自己的角斗士剧院。
6.Instead of a long dress, you need a mini-skirt or a pair of cuffed shorts to match with the gladiator shoes.你需要一条迷你裙或短裤来搭配罗马鞋,而不是一条长裙。
7.It took 20 minutes to put the warrior costume on. . . and it made me feel like someone out of Gladiator or Braveheart.我花了足足有20分钟的时间才穿上这套行头,但它让我觉得我好像是电影角斗士或是勇敢的心里的人物。
8.Gladiator-inspired sandals are made of reptile-embossed synthetic leather.角斗士的灵感凉鞋的爬行动物压花合成革。
9.Natural Born Killers, The Jerk, Romeo & Juliet, Gladiator . . . I could go on and on . . .天生杀人狂,大笨蛋,罗密欧与朱丽叶,角斗士…我可以一直说下去…
10.He was set free after he survived the gladiator games and defeated the former champion in a fight to the death with his bare hands.当他赤手空拳在战士们的死亡游戏中打败并杀死前冠军后,他被给予了自由。