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美式发音: ['glædnəs] 英式发音: ['glædnəs]







1.高兴;愉快;快乐joy; happiness


1.高兴 fright 恐惧 gladness 高兴 glee 喜悦 ...

2.喜悦 gladly 愉快地,高兴地 gladness 欢乐,欢喜,喜悦 glamor 迷人的美,魔法 ...

3.欢乐 gladly 愉快地,高兴地 gladness 欢乐,欢喜,喜悦 glamor 迷人的美,魔法 ...

4.快乐 extinguish<> 熄灭 gladness<> 快乐 strict limitation<> 严格的限制 ...

5.欢喜 gladly 愉快地,高兴地 gladness 欢乐,欢喜,喜悦 glamor 迷人的美,魔法 ...

6.悲哀的 laconism ◆ verbosity 简洁 ◆ 罗嗦 lacrimose ◆ gladness 悲哀的 ◆ 快乐的 lambaste ◆ extol 严责 ◆ 表 …


1.Restore to me the gladness of Your salvation, And sustain me with a willing spirit.求你使我复得你救恩之乐,赐我乐意的灵扶持我。

2.I believe that true friends don't care how much contact, but the heart will never forget, gladness of miss!我认为真正的朋友不在乎联系的多少,而是心里永远不会忘记,时时刻刻的惦念!

3.In her better fortunes, as in her old days of dependence, wherever she went she seemed to take sunshine and gladness with her.在她交好运的时期里,正如在她过去寄人篱下的日子里一样,不论她走到哪儿,她仿佛把阳光和欢乐也随身带去了。

4.Feelings of gladness and sadness continued to run through me in discrete layers, like currents in a river.欢喜与哀愁,就像河里的暗流,一层一层地从我身体中流淌过。

5.Brighter than all the gladness of the crowd was the bright smile of a girl who bought for a farthing a whistle of palm leaf.比人群所有的喜悦更明丽的,是一个小姑娘灿烂的微笑,她花一分钱买到一个棕榈叶哨子。

6.The fear of the Lord shall delight the heart, and shall give joy, and gladness, and length of days.敬畏上主,悦乐心神,赐与喜乐、愉快和长寿。

7.i thought there never was such gladness in the air before , such brightness in the sun , such beauty in the sea.照我看,空中从没这么喜气,太阳从没这么明亮,海上从没这分美景。

8.Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that God favors what you do.你只管去欢欢喜喜吃你的饭,心中快乐喝你的酒,因为神已经悦纳你的作为。

9.When Christ calls me home I shall go with the gladness of a body bounding away from school.当基督召我回家时,我会带着欣喜远离教室的身子一起上路。

10.Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.求你使我得听欢喜快乐的声音,使你所压伤的骨头,可以踊跃。