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美式发音: 英式发音: ['glæsˌnəʊst]





n.1.a policy that commits a government or organization to greater accountability, openness, discussion, and freer disclosure of information than previously, especially that of Mikhail Gorbachev in the former Soviet Union.

1.开放夫在前苏联推行体制改革(Perestroika)和开放Glasnost)政策,萨博尼斯终于得以离开前苏联到更高水平的篮球联盟中迎 …

2.公开性 ... attache[ 法语]随行人员 glasnost[ 俄语]公开性;开放 jujitsu[ 日语]柔术 ...

5.公开化s)、「甘乃迪遇刺」(Lone Gunman)、「戈巴契夫的开放政策」(Glasnost)、「俄谍艾敏斯案」(Aldrich Ames)等之类的小历史 …


1."We're opening up but it's not a total glasnost, " said the unofficial spokesman.一位非正式的发言人说:“我们已经有所开放,但不是完全公开。”

2.The early years of glasnost in the late 1980s had little effect on the political climate in the Kyrgyz Republic.在20世纪80年代末期的自由化思想兴起的前几年对吉尔吉斯共和国的政治氛围稍微有一些影响。

3.By the time Mikhail Gorbachev initiated perestroika and glasnost in the late 1980s, the Soviet Union was all but bust.当米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫于1980年代末启动改革开放时,苏联已经几乎濒临破产。

4.This being Russia, literature was the first and the main resource of the glasnost warriors.作为当时的俄罗斯,文学作品总是成为进行“公开性”活动的勇士们首当其冲的表达手段。

5.The latest move in the Federal Reserve's glasnost will be a press conference after today's meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee.体现美联储(Fed)开放性的最新举措,将是在今天的联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)会议后举行一场新闻发布会。

6.He also pointed out that in the years before, and immediately following, glasnost, Russia did not have a cocktail-mixing tradition.他还指出,在过去,甚至“戈氏新思维”刚开始不久的时候,俄国人都没有喝鸡尾酒的传统。

7.Four years after Glasnost was adopted, the inflow of information revolutionized the climate of Soviet public opinion.开放政策采纳后的四年,流入的信息已经彻底的改变了苏维埃社会公共舆论的氛围。

8.GlASnost hAS entered the international vocabulary AS a catchword for a general liberalization of Soviet society(Bill Keller)公开性作为苏维埃社会普遍自由化的时髦语已进入国际语汇(比尔·凯勒)