美式发音: [ˈɡlænsɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈɡlɑːnsɪŋ]adj.斜擦而过的;击偏的
glancing显示所有例句adj.1.斜擦而过的;击偏的hitting sth/sb at an angle, not with full force
to strike somebody a glancing blow从斜击拳击中某人
adj.1.hitting something quickly and lightly
v.1.The present participle of glance
1.粗略的 surefire adj. 准不会有错的, 一定能达到目的的 glancing adj. 粗略的 surfer n. 冲浪运动员 ...
2.间接的 ... cavernous 似巨穴的,多洞穴的 glancing 粗略的, 间接的, 斜的 disconsolate 孤独的, 郁郁不乐的 ...
3.偶尔的 ... gruel 使精疲力尽 glancing 偶尔的,间接的 desperately 不顾一切的,拼命的 ...
4.回眸一眼 Stay within you 相伴身边 Glancing 回眸一眼 Stay forever 永驻心田 ...
5.偏斜_百度知道 ... Hit= 命中 Glancing= 偏斜 Miss= 未命中 ...
6.倾斜的 front 前面的 glancing 倾斜的 head-to-head 被安排在方向相对的直线上 ...
7.擦过 ... ["General Window Options"] 一般视窗选项" ["Glancing"] 擦过" ["Global Data Collection"] 整体资料收集" ...
造句带翻译释义:,斜擦而过的,击偏的,粗略的,间接的,偶尔的1.Glancing to door, he signed that he was ready to leave.他看着门口打手势表示他随时可以离开。
2.A Woodman was felling a tree on the bank of a river, when his axe, glancing off the trunk, flew out of his hands and fell into the water.有一个樵夫在河边砍树,突然,他的斧子飞离了树干,从手中落入水里。
3.Scrabbling around in your pocket to dig out a phone may not be as elegant as glancing at a watch, but it saves splashing out on two gadgets.在口袋里翻来翻去找一只手机虽然并不如低头审视手表优雅,但是你用不着花两份钱了。
4.He hit me with a glancing blow as I fled, but even that was enough to take my arm almost clean off.我逃跑的时候被他的侧击击中,但那下子也几乎废掉了我整只手臂。
5.I picture him swinging it, whistling in that quietly cheerful way he had, glancing over at me with the faintest of smiles.我眼前又浮现他挥动锤子,我为他默默打气,看着我,露出了甜美的微笑。
6.Glancing around I saw plenty of other children doing as he was doing, trying their best to earn a buck or two out of the tourists' pity.环顾四周,有许许多多的孩子们正和他做着相同的事,尽他们所能的从观光客的同情中赚取一两个铜板。
7.There was a very attractive man sitting a few tables away who kept glancing at me.隔着几个桌子有个帅哥一直盯着我看。
8.I kept glancing down at my left arm and was surprised to see a naked wrist.我时不时地低头瞄下左臂,看到裸露的手腕时不免有些惊讶。
9.Glancing at it briefly, the dealer told him that it was worth 5 pounds.古玩商随便看了一眼就说这幅画值五英镑。
10.As Mr Dombey acknowledged the compliment with a bend of his head, the younger lady glancing at him, met his eyes.董贝先生点了点头答谢这个恭维,这时那位年轻的女士向他看了一眼,碰见了他的眼光。