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glass ceiling是什么意思_怎么读

glass ceiling

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网络释义:玻璃天花板;玻璃屋顶;玻璃天花板效应复数:glass ceilings  


glass ceilingn.

1.玻璃天花板,无形顶障(虽无明文规定却实际存在的对妇女等在职务升迁上的无形限制)the way in which unfair attitudes can stop women, or other groups, from getting the best jobs in a company, etc. although there are no official rules to prevent them from getting these jobs


n.1.an unfair system that prevents some people, especially women, from reaching the most senior positions in a company or organization

1.玻璃天花板 glass case 玻璃绸 glass ceiling 玻璃顶棚 glass cloth 玻璃布 ...

5.女性升迁障碍 recruitment 新成员吸收 glass ceiling 玻璃天花板;女性升迁障碍 recycling 回收;再生 ...

6.阻碍某人升迁的无形障碍 22. mop the floor with 把对方打的一败涂地 23. glass ceiling 阻碍某人升迁的无形障碍 24. hit the ceiling 勃然大怒 ...


1.Kurt: The problem with that job was that there was a glass ceiling. They would never promote a person like me.那个工作的问题就是公司有一个禁忌。他们从不会提升像我这样的人。

2.In her current roles she broke through the glass ceiling as the first woman to reach senior management level in the company . . .在现在的职位上,她突破了升迁的障碍,成为该公司第一个升至高级管理层的女性……

3.Hillary Clinton hoped to break through the glass ceiling by winning the ultimate contest, the presidency of the United States.希拉里·克林顿曾希望通过最终赢得美国总统选举而打破玻璃天花板。

4.In many career fields a woman can't get through the glass ceiling to be promoted to the upper management.在很多职业领域,女职员都会受到隐形的性别歧视障碍而不能升迁到管理高层。

5.A wide-open space, bright and clean, a hall larger by far than the Great Hall, with that clear, domed glass ceiling. It was quite empty.一大片辽阔的空间,明亮、干净,一个比大礼堂大得多的大厅,上面是那个明净的玻璃圆顶。

6.Women who do break through the glass ceiling are more likely to help out their male subordinates than female ones.事实上,那些打破了无形职场障碍的女老闆们更愿意出手帮自己的男下属而非女下属。

7.The four levels of rooms center on a beautiful courtyard with a glass ceiling to let light shine in.共四层的房间以一个美丽的有玻璃天花板的庭院为中心,阳光从那里射进。

8.Although we weren't able to shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you, it's got about 18 million cracks in it.虽然这一次,我们无法打破那最高、最坚硬的玻璃天花板,但是由于你们,它出现了1800万道裂缝……

9.Titan II duty was considered to be a combat position and missile crews were an early breach through the military's glass ceiling.泰坦II导弹的控制岗被认为是一个战斗岗位,控制人员就是军队的直属分支。

10.But now that the glass ceiling has been broken in the high-tech industry, the sky may be the limit for female executives.但是在高技术产业里,既然阻挠女性晋升的“职场限制”已经被打破,那些女性主管可以说是前途无量。