glass eye
美式发音: 英式发音:na.马眼黑内障病;玻璃制假眼睛;一片眼镜;一副眼镜
na.1.马眼黑内障病2.玻璃制假眼睛3.一片眼镜;一副眼镜 artificial eye made from glass, or material similar to glass, so as to resemble a natural eye
1.玻璃假眼 glass pipet 玻璃移液管 ... glass eye 玻璃假眼 glass wool 玻璃绒 ... ...
2.玻璃眼 牛皮纸 / Man On The List 玻璃眼 / GLASS EYE 代驾 / Drive on behalf of ...
3.玻璃制的假眼 glass efficiency 玻璃性能 glass eye 玻璃制的假眼; 马的一种盲症 glass fiber 玻璃纤维 ...
4.玻璃眼球ALVE).前往焚尸房,把一具尸体放入焚尸炉,得到玻璃眼珠(GLASS EYE). 用黄铜杯盛些骨灰,捡起地上的扳手后离开.用扳 …
6.玻璃眼球一颗去Bar里面的Pool Table使用25仙,得到玻璃眼球一颗(glass eye),离开pool table去到Bar那边,使用玻璃眼珠(交给调酒员), …
7.用玻璃做的眼球 Skeleton Picture: 血红色的背景,绘的是人骨的画 Glass Eye: 用玻璃做的眼球 Music Box Plate: 自动演奏时必须的道具 ...
造句带翻译释义:,马眼黑内障病,玻璃制假眼睛,一片眼镜,一副眼镜,玻璃假眼,玻璃眼,玻璃制的假眼1.' And someone's glass eye had fallen out, rolled across the stage, [and] fifteen blind guys [are] down on the floor looking for this eye.和别人的玻璃眼睛已经下降了,在舞台上,[和]十五盲人球员轧[是]关于此眼睛看着地上。
2."Blew up your hand? Get a new one, " proclaims5 one poster with a picture of an artificial limb. Another features a glass eye.一张海报上登了一只人工胳膊,上面写着,‘炸坏了手?再找一只新的。’另外一张则是一个玻璃眼。
3.You can eat with false teeth , you can walk with a wooden leg, you can even hear with a hearing aid, but you can't see with a glass eye.你可以用假牙咬物,用义肢走路,用助听器增进听力,但是装上了玻璃珠,视力却消失了。
4.The accused pointed to his glass eye, placed there after he had lost an eye in battle.辩护人指了指他的一只玻璃眼,他在一次战役中失去了一只眼睛。
5.I got so mad I took out my glass eye, handed it to him and said, 'Try this.有这么疯狂我拿出我的玻璃眼睛,把它递给他,说:“试试这个。”
6.When they finished their work, the telescope trained its enormous glass eye on the outer reaches of the universe.宇航员完成修复工作时,望远镜巨大的镜头就瞄向了宇宙外围。
7.When they finished their work, the telescope trained its enormous glass eye on the outer reachers of the universe.当他们完成工作,培训了宇宙外reachers巨大的玻璃眼睛的望远镜。
8.Oh, my God. You dated someone with a glass eye too?老天,你跟装义眼的男人约会过?
9.You dated someone with a glass eye too? !你也跟装人造眼的人约会过?
10.exit expensive eye He lost an eye in an accident, and now he has a glass eye.意外事故里他伤了一只眼睛,现在装上一只玻璃做的假眼。