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glass fiber

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网络释义:玻纤;纤维玻璃;玻纤布复数:glass fibers  




n.1.a material made from very thin pieces of glass stuck together2.a very thin and long piece of glass

1.玻璃纤维 芳纶: aramid fiber 玻璃纤维: glass fiber 金属纤维: metallic fiber ...

2.玻纤 crystalline resin 结晶形塑料 glass fiber 玻纤 Mold materials 模具 ...

3.纤维玻璃 硅石 Celite; 纤维玻璃 Glass Fiber; 硅酸锌 Zinc orthosilicate; ...


5.玻璃丝 Platino bar 铂丝棒 Glass fiber 玻璃丝 Test tube brush 试管刷 ...

6.玻璃纤维膜 25 0.22, 0.45 玻璃纤维针头过滤器 玻璃纤维膜Glass Fiber) 13, 25, 33 0.7, 1.2 醋酸针头过滤器 醋酸纤维素膜(Acetate …

7.玻璃光纤 glass fertilizer 玻璃肥料 glass fiber 玻璃光学纤维 glass fiber asphalt 玻璃纤维沥青 ...


1.Recently thermoplastic resins, with glass-fiber reinforcement and a lubricant as additives, have been used as gear materials.最近,一种由玻璃纤维加固、并且带有自润滑剂的热塑性塑料,已经被用来做齿轮材料。

2.The glass fiber core comes in one of two basic types: multimode fiber for distances up to 10km and single-mode fiber for longer distances.玻璃纤维芯有两种基本的类型:多模光纤,用于10km以下的距离;单模光纤,用于更长的距离。

3.The glass fiber is very thin, belongs to the very crisp textile fiber type, very easy to jab into the skin, must therefore protect well.玻璃纤维很细,属于很脆的纤维类型,很容易刺进皮肤,所以要好好保护啊。

4.Glass fiber geonets for highway construction are one of geosynthetics, their are made of fine E glass fiber and synthetic binders.公路工程用玻璃纤维土工网是合成材料之一,它主要由直径很细的E-玻璃纤维和合成粘结剂构成。

5.Glass fiber is usually used as the reinforcing material, for both lightness and strength.玻璃纤维又轻又有强度,一般用作增强材料。

6.and the landscape modeling is inlaid on the bottom board and is prepared from glass fiber reinforced cement and chemical raw materials.景观造型镶嵌在底板上;所述景观造型由玻璃纤维增强水泥与化工原料配置而成。

7.The defects and the no uniformity of coal density of the glass fiber are also detected and measured by means of the system.同时也检测出了该材料中的缺陷、隐患和局部密度不均匀。

8.filter material with ultra-fine glass fiber paper, the resistance is low, the wind volume, take up little space.过滤器材料采用超细玻璃纤维纸,阻力低,风量大,占用空间小。

9.Polymer-modified concrete or glass-fiber-reinforced concrete are generally used for synthesizing rock.聚合物改性混凝土或玻璃纤维增强混凝土一般用于合成岩石使用。

10.The invention relates to a glass fiber mesh and paste resin compound enhanced film and a production method thereof.本发明涉及一种玻璃纤维网与糊状树脂复合增强薄膜及其生产方法。