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glance at是什么意思_怎么读

glance at

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1.扫视 faith in 对……的信任,信仰 glance at 扫视 gratitude to sb 感激 ...

2.一瞥 one after another 一个接一个 glance at 一瞥,看一眼 be filled with 充满 ...

3.浏览 give over (使)停止;放弃;交托 glance at 浏览,(粗略地)看一下 glance over 浏览,粗略地阅读 ...

4.看一下 give over (使)停止;放弃;交托 glance at 浏览,(粗略地)看一下 glance over 浏览,粗略地阅读 ...

5.匆匆一瞥 glare at 怒视 glance at 匆匆一瞥 laugh at 嘲笑 ...

6.扫了一眼 entertainment n. 款待, 娱乐, 娱乐表演 glance at 扫了一眼) ★unsmiling adj. 不笑的 ...

7.瞟一眼 fire at 向…开火, glance at 瞟一眼, glare at 怒目而视, ...

8.瞥一眼 stare at 盯着看 5. glance at 瞥一眼 6. knock at 敲 7. ...


1.I listened to your footfalls in the bottom of cold night, not expecting your stop but hoping your slight glance at me.我自冰冷的黑夜深处聆听你的足音,不敢奢求你的停留,只期望你能轻轻看上我一眼。

2.He took a scornful glance at me when he left my room.当他离开我的房间时,他轻蔑的看了我一眼。

3.What's needed is something highly visible, like a canary, that I can quickly glance at to see the state of my continuous build process.这时需要某种高度可视的东西,就像金丝雀一样,快速一瞥后就能发现持续构建过程的状态。

4.In the dark, a pregnant woman turns her head with a weary smile to glance at her.黑暗处,有位怀孕的妇女转头用一种诡异的微笑直直地看著她。

5.It's the children, ' said Mrs Parsons, casting a half-apprehensive glance at the door. 'They haven't been out today. And of course.帕森太太紧张兮兮地朝门一瞟,说:“是这帮孩子,他们今天还没出门。当然呃――”

6.The older kids would glance at it and then kind of look away as if to say, 'Oh yeah, I get it, it goes with that face.而年龄大一点儿的孩子只会扫一眼,眼睛就有点儿瞟向别的地方,好像在说:‘哦,我知道了,那是这张脸。

7.What I offer below is just a cursory glance at some of the more important WSFL concepts.下面我仅仅粗略地讲一下一些更重要的WSFL的概念。

8.He'd glance at my awkward ink drawings, groan "Oh, God, " and walk away holding his head in his hands, like a migraine sufferer.他看着我糟糕的由墨水画出的画,低声嚷道:“哦,老天”,然后,双手抱着脑袋走开,就像一个人得了头疼。

9.He took a rapid glance at me.他快速的瞥了我一眼。

10.adv. When he took a quick glance at the lady, he was surprised to find that she was right regarding him with interest.他匆匆看了那个女人一眼,惊讶地发现她正好也在饶有兴趣地看着他。