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美式发音: [ˈɡlæsˌwer] 英式发音: [ˈɡlɑːsˌweə(r)]





1.玻璃器皿;玻璃制品;料器objects made of glass


n.1.objects made of glass

1.玻璃器皿 易碎 Fragile 玻璃器皿 Glassware 远离锅炉 Keep away from boiler ...

2.玻璃制品 glass 玻璃,镜子 glassware 玻璃制品 gleam 微光,闪光 ...

3.玻璃器具 clothing 衣服 glassware 玻璃器具 machinery 机械 ...

4.玻璃仪器 沸腾石 boiling stone 玻璃仪器 glassware 冷凝器 condenser ...

5.料器 料理〖 manage〗 料器glassware〗 料峭〖 chilly〗 ...

6.玻璃器具类 glassful 一杯的容量 glassware 玻璃器具类 glaze 釉 ...


1.Other laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, whether or not graduated or calibrated, of fused quartz or other fused silica.其它实验室、卫生或医疗用之玻璃器,己否刻度或校正者均在内,属熔凝石英或其它熔化硅砂制者。

2.It was just a matter of time: With fine wine selling fast in Asia, glassware maker Riedel is planning to expand aggressively in China.切都只是时间问题:名贵葡萄酒在亚洲销得飞快,玻璃器皿制造商力多公司(Riedel)也摩拳擦掌,打算在中国大举扩张。

3.Cangzhou Chen-Guang Light Industry Products Company Limited specializes in producing the blown-made glassware with its own processing base.沧州市晨光轻工制品有限公司是一专业生产吹制玻璃产品的厂家。

4.Laboratory glassware. Methods for assessing the chemical resistance of enamels used for colour coding and colour marking.实验室用玻璃器皿.色刻度和色标记用瓷釉耐化学浸蚀性的评价方法

5.A more obvious example might be the Luigi Bormoli website, which uses AJAX to produce an elegant presentation of glassware.一个更加明显的例子是LuigiBormoli的网站,它使用AJAX制造出一种优雅的表现方式,来呈现玻璃器皿的感觉。

6.The long bar was a blaze of lights, polished woodwork, coloured and cut glassware, and many fancy bottles.一排电灯照在抛光的长酒柜台上,上面陈列着彩色雕花的玻璃器皿和许多形状奇特的酒瓶。

7.If you are interested in any of our glassware , please do not hesitate to contact us.如果您感兴趣对我们的任何玻璃器皿,请不要犹豫与我们联系。

8.The production of jade jewelry crafts, glassware, flower leather goods, lace, embroidery waiting for that.以生产珠宝玉石工艺品、玻璃器皿、花皮革制品、花边、刺绣等著称。

9.Our company is a large-scale company specialized in selling glassware, with many years of sales experience, first-class service teams.本公司是一家规模宏大的玻璃器皿销售公司,具有多年的销售经验,一流的服务队伍。

10.They are hiding from him in laboratory glassware.他们是从他躲藏在实验室的玻璃器皿。