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1.[c](旧时)作为牧师收入来源的土地a piece of land that provided an income for a priest

2.[u]土地;田地land; fields


n.1.a piece of land belonging to the Church

1.含矿地带 ... glazed frost 雨冰膜 glebe 含矿地带 glei soil 潜育土 ...

2.旱田 gleanings 所拾得的落穗 glebe 土,土地,旱田 glee 欢喜,高兴 ...

3.土地 gleanings 所拾得的落穗 glebe 土,土地,旱田 glee 欢喜,高兴 ...

4.格利伯在内西区座落著格利伯Glebe)1,它的主要干道格利伯角路(Glebe Point Road),现在是整列的精品店与咖啡馆。它们是 …

5.格里布她告知格里布Glebe )死因裁判庭:“雷蒙德晕倒后没有立即叫救护车以及肾上腺素(EpiPen)注射失败可能是导致他死亡的 …

6.土地流转土地流转土地流转土地流转 (Glebe), 2037

7.格里伯            派迪市场(Paddy’s Market)帕丁顿(Paddington)市场,格里伯Glebe)市场,包曼(Balmain)市场和岩石区(The Rocks…


1.The uneven distribution of glebe made a lot of farmers live in hardship, glebe revolution may be the only solution to this situation.土地分配不均衡造成了大量缺地少地农民的长期生活苦痛,土地革命是迅速改变这一局面的唯一有效途径。

2.They once tilled glebe land, fields owned by the church, but now lie under another church property, the parish graveyard.他们曾经耕种着教会的属地、牧场,但是现在归属于另一个教堂了,成了教区坟场。

3.Use iron scoop is too cold; use porcelain scoop is too weak; a wood scoop, engraved veins safely, engraved sky's wasteland and glebe's old.用铁勺太冰冷;用瓷勺又太脆弱;一只只木勺,刻出了纹理安然,刻出了天荒地老。

4.Elizabeth calls her house and small plot of land by the water the Glebe House.伊丽莎白将她的房子及水边的那小块地统称为“格里伯小屋”。

5.Economical Reflections on the Developing of the Characteristic Ecological Agriculture in Cold Region and Black Glebe打造寒地黑土特色生态农业的经济理论思考

6.Eluviation of Nutrients in Glebe- Soil and Its Influence on Groundwater旱田养分淋溶规律及对地下水影响的研究

7.Study on Cumulative Effects of Glebe Cultivation on Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil in the Sanjiang Plain三江平原旱田耕作对湿地土壤理化性质的累积影响初探

8.Jural Countermeasure against Exterior Problems of Using Glebe解决土地使用外部性问题的法律对策

9.On the Legal Protection of the Geographical Sign for Cold Region and Black Glebe关于寒地黑土地理标志的法律保护

10.Their furrow oft the stubborn glebe has broke;犁头将坚实的土地耕破;