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glee club是什么意思_怎么读

glee club

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n.1.a group of people who get together to sing, especially short part songs2.a small organization for people who enjoy singing together

1.合唱团 glede 鸢 glee club 合唱团 glee 欢乐 ...

2.歌咏团 对话法 dialogistical method 歌咏团 glee club 演绎法 deductive method ...

3.欢乐合唱团 Talent show 才艺展示 Glee Club 欢乐合唱团 Tag-line speeches 经典定题演讲 ...

4.唱歌团 传说中的清华史上最早的合唱团发端于1912年的“唱歌团”(Glee Club),分为中等科及高等科唱歌团,“唱歌团”中等科有社员15 …

5.是合唱团的意思 glee: 搁里... (高兴,欢乐) glee club 是合唱团的意思 ...

6.男声四重唱事件》,1992〕 〔→西乡从道、清日北京专约〕 男声四重唱Glee Club) 1918年陈清忠联合陈溪圳、骆先春、张崑 远三 …

7.男声合唱团当他在同志社大学念书的时候,参加著名的男声合唱团Glee Club),跟这个团体到过许多国家,用他们美妙的歌声鼓励人们 …


1.Being black in the Glee Club was no bigger deal than Yale generally.被黑在耶鲁大学合唱团比一般没有大规模并购。

2.Barty arranged dozens of folk songs and spirituals for what was then an all-male Glee Club.巴迪为当时全部是男声的欢乐合唱团编排了几十首民间歌曲和宗教歌曲。

3.The ceremonies will begin at a quarter past nine with a song by our Glee Club.各项仪式即将在九点十五分本公司的合唱团合唱一首歌时揭开。

4.It depicts the lives of a group of students in their high school's 'Glee Club.该剧描述了某高中校园合唱团里的一群学生的故事。

5.Yale Students down through the years have found the Glee Club's rehearsal room in Hendrie Hall a refuge from academic, and other pressures.耶鲁大学的学生通过几年下来已经找到了合唱团的排练厅中亨德里房间避难从学术和其他方面的压力。

6.And right now, glee club is all you have.而现在你只剩下合唱团了。

7.I have a legacy to protect, william, and glee club is a part of that legacy, and I will win.有一份财富需要我保护而合唱团正是它的一部分我会赢的。

8.Common language But the Glee Club survived and thrived as a mixed chorus.共同的语言,但幸存下来的合唱团和合唱团作为一个蓬勃发展的混合。

9.In college, he was already active in politics and recalls he enjoyed the wide cross section of people he met in the Glee Club.在耶鲁读书的时候,布鲁克海瑟就是个政治活跃分子。他非常喜欢在欢乐合唱团碰到的不同背景的人。

10.The Glee Club performs a mixture of folk songs, spirituals and classical music.耶鲁大学欢乐合唱团演唱民歌、宗教歌曲以及严肃的古典歌曲。