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美式发音: [ˈɡlinɪŋz] 英式发音: [ˈɡliːnɪŋz]





1.(费力从多处)收集的信息(或知识等)information, knowledge etc., that you obtain from various different places, often with difficulty


n.1.small amounts of information, ideas, or details that you have learned

1.拾遗 gleam 微光;微量;发光 gleanings 搜集物;拾遗 GLEEP 低工率石墨实验性原子反应堆 ...

2.所拾得的落穗 gleaner 拾落穗的人 gleanings 所拾得的落穗 glebe 土,土地,旱田 ...

3.零星知识 ... 零星星 sporadic 零星知识 gleanings 零星货混装运输 groupage ...

4.搜集物 gleam 微光;微量;发光 gleanings 搜集物;拾遗 GLEEP 低工率石墨实验性原子反应堆 ...

5.残遗物 relics( 遗址), gleanings残遗物), filings( 铁屑), ...

6.选集 (资料, 传闻等的)拾遗 gleanings n.选集,苦心投资,拾遗 gleanings ...

7.苦心投资 (资料, 传闻等的)拾遗 gleanings n.选集,苦心投资,拾遗 gleanings ...


1.When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest.在你们的地收割庄稼,不可割尽田角,也不可拾取所遗落的。

2.They were not to forget the needy, so they were reminded to leave the gleanings (23: 22).上帝要他们不忘记穷苦人,所以再次提醒他们不要收取落穗(23:22)。

3.So will it be on the earth and among the nations, as when an olive tree is beaten, or as when gleanings are left after the grape harvest.在地上的万民中,必象打过的橄榄树,又象已摘的葡萄所剩无几。

4.They highlighted how they would funnel their gleanings through Palantir Technologies' military-grade terrorist-tracking software.他们着重介绍了如何借助Palantir科技的军事级恐怖活动追踪软件提炼所收集的信息。

5.Commercially dry virgin cork, ramassage, gleanings, corkwood refuse and corkwaste; Definitions and packaging商品干燥原软木、腐木栓皮碎料、软木废物和软木残渣·定义和包装