glide by
美式发音: 英式发音:na.(时间等)悄悄过去(溜走)
造句带翻译释义:,悄悄过去1.It could, like the modern-day albatross, glide by navigating through thermals but was also fully capable of powered flight.它有可能跟现代信天翁一样靠热感应指引方向滑翔,但要全力飞翔还得借助动力。
2.No matter what you are managing, do not assume you can glide by . Momentum is something you have to work at to maintain.不管你在做什么,别妄想你能够吃老本,势头要靠不间断的工作来保持。
3.Watching the world glide by through darkened windows, he was gripped with a longing to cast off his wealth and disappear into anonymity.透过遮挡阳光的暗色车窗,看世界从旁滑过,Howard被一种摆脱这些财富、隐姓埋名的渴望深深攫住。
4.But the chain link is comes and the orbital trundle glide by the roller.而链条是以滚子来与轨道滚动滑行。
5.You can relax and watch the magnificent landscapes glide by.你可以悠然自得,观赏眼前掠过的美景。
6.Instead of saying 'Excuse me', he prefers to glide by one side.他宁愿在一边悄悄地走,也不愿意说“打扰了”。
7.They glide by moving their bodies in curves.它们通过弯曲移动身体的方式滑行。
8.Life cycles glide by You weep the deaf bygones and ask why Bright my love shall ever shine Amid ashes of time缘字诀几番轮回你锁眉哭红颜唤不回纵然青史已经成灰我爱不灭
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