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网络释义:微光之;发光辐射范围;闪烁复数:glimmers  现在分词:glimmering  过去式:glimmered  同义词





n.1.a soft weak light that is not steady2.a very slight feeling or look that is not easily noticed

v.1.to shine with a soft weak light that is not steady2.if a feeling glimmers in your eyes or on your face, it shows there slightly

1.微光 glimmer 闪烁 glimmering 微光 glimmery 轻微发亮的 ...

2.微光之 ... Vivid 生动之 Glimmering 微光之 Glowing 发光之 ...

3.发光辐射范围 (Frost) 寒冷元素破坏+1-3 (Glimmering) 发光辐射范围+1 (Gore) 破坏 …

4.闪烁 ... remoteness 远离,远隔,细微 glimmering 闪烁 merriment 欢喜,嬉戏 ...

5.模糊的感觉 down and out 穷困潦倒 glimmering 模糊的感觉(或认识) drive at 意指,要说 ...

6.闪烁之 Bright 明亮之 +1照亮范围 Glimmering 闪烁之 +1照亮范围 Glowing 光亮之 +2照亮 …

7.微微发光的 ... Fierce: 凶猛的,强劲的 Glimmering微微发光的 Glinting: 波光粼粼的 ...


1.And the beauty of the pearl, winking and glimmering in the light of the little candle, cozened his brain with its beauty.珍珠在小蜡烛的亮光中闪烁着,以它的美丽哄骗着他的脑子。

2.Perhaps he had not found any more candidates, but the statuettes were still there, glimmering and gathering dust on top of the cupboard.也许是因为他没有找到更多的侯选者,那些雕像还在老地方,在那橱柜顶上白晃晃的落满尘埃。

3.There are no problems in production of such a domestic robot to which we do not have already the glimmering of a solution.生产这种家用机器人还有些问题,但对如何解决这些问题我们都已经有了初步设想。

4.We began to see a glimmering of a solution to the problem.我们开始看到问题可望解决的迹象。

5.Show your love is as wide as the universe by naming a star after your spouse. You'll always be able to see it glimmering.以配偶的名字命名一颗星星,显示你的爱像宇宙一样广袤。你将永远看到它熠熠生辉。

6.No one is certain how these creatures came to be in Ashbury so far from the Glimmering Forest, where they are usually found.无人确定这些生物如何从遥远的,经常发现他们踪迹的微光森林来到阿什伯里。

7.Lady Melisandre was seated near the fire, her ruby glimmering against the pale skin of her throat.梅丽珊卓女士坐在火边,洁白皮肤衬着喉头红宝石烁烁闪亮。

8.These glimmering eyes can capture you, flirt with you and engulf you with tenderness.这些闪闪发光的眼睛能捕捉你,与你和你调情吞没温柔。

9.And that, of course, is the ugly flip side of Hazlitt's glimmering coin of hatred.当然,这也是黑兹利特那闪闪发光的仇恨论硬币丑陋的一面。

10.Every note is glimmering your love. Every rhythm is full of your deep feelings. Becauce of you , my music of youth is so pure and fresh.每一个音符都闪烁着您的爱心,每一段旋律都融入您的深情。因为有您,我青春的音乐才会如此清新。