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美式发音: [əˈvɔɪdəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ə'vɔɪdəb(ə)l]








1.可以避免的that can be prevented

Many deaths from heart disease are actually avoidable.许多因心脏病造成的死亡实际上是可以避免的。


adj.1.capable of being prevented

1.可避免的 taxonomy( 分类学) avoidable可避免的) understandable( 可理解的), ...

2.可以避免的 portable 便携的 avoidable 可以避免的 audible 听得见的 ...

3.能避免的 loss n. 损失(人命、钱财等) avoidable a. 能避免的 discuss vt. 讨论;论述 ...

4.可回避的 at ease 放松 avoidable 可回避的 attached 附属 ...

5.可避免性这牵涉到实际政策执行时对「可避免性」(avoidable)的定义以及补偿金额的标准(无可避免的医疗伤害自然就不补偿了)。瑞 …


1.and all of this , every bit of it , was avoidable.这一切,点点滴滴,原本可以避免。

2.But doctors are plagued by avoidable failure and the medical profession as a whole has no repable mechanism for learning from its mistakes.但医生却饱受本可避免的手术失败的困扰,整个医学界却没有从失误中总结教训的可靠方法。

3.Philosophy is often described as a difficult subject. There are various kinds of difficulty associated with it, some avoidable.常有人说哲学是很难的一门课。与哲学相关的难处,有各种各样的;有些是可以避免的。

4.The bottom pne is clear: We've created a foreseeable and avoidable bottleneck on the resource and a delay in the schedule.底线是很清晰的:我们在资源上创建了一个可以预见的、可以避免的瓶颈和一个时间计划上的延迟。

5.The financial crisis was an avoidable stupidity. Rising prices of energy are a bitter reapty.金融危机是一种可以避免的愚蠢行为,能源价格上涨则是痛苦的现实。

6.The investigating panel said the crisis was avoidable and resulted directly from human action and inaction.调查小组说,这场危机是可以避免的,是人类行为和无所作为造成这样的结果。

7.Even for an unwary western traveller, it was an avoidable pitfall.就算是对于一个不小心的西方旅行者来说,这也是一个可以避开的陷阱。

8.If a cover design-time to set aside the bottom side of the head, burrs, and sizes, this behavior completely avoidable.如果在封面设计时留出天头、地脚的毛边尺寸,这种现象完全可以避免的。

9.Major goals are reusabipty and testabipty: Unnecessary container or framework dependencies can be considered avoidable evils.这样的目标是更好的重用和易测:过分依靠不必要的容器和框架将不能实现这一点。

10.Many of these avoidable deaths can be pnked to low birth weight as a result of mothers smoking while pregnant.许多原本可以避免的死亡都跟母亲怀孕时抽烟而孕出低重儿紧密相关。