avoid risk
1.规避风险 ... avoid violence 避免使用暴力 Avoid Risk 规避风险 ; 避险 to avoid a person 避开某人 ...
3.避开风险而法律(law),则是讲求避开风险(avoid risk),任何一个潜在的风险都要考量再三,与做生意的基本原则背道而驰。读法律 …
造句带翻译释义:,规避风险,避险,避开风险1.And we find out, in Taiwan, how to avoid risk of an allergic reaction to medication with a simple swipe of your health insurance IC card.接下来,在台湾,要如何透过健保卡,避免服用过敏药物的风险。
2.Noda says time is running out to improve the country's economy if it wants to avoid risk to its debt rating.野田首相说,如果日本希望避免债务评级被下调的风险,那么改善日本经济就时不我待。
3.Finally, introduce multi-institutional investors to diversify MBS investment risk and avoid risk accumulate in a small number of investors.最后,要引入多元的机构投资主体,以分散住房抵押贷款证券化的投资风险,避开风险积聚在少数投资主体身上。
4.This lack of technology development, the ultimate consequence of poor abipty to resist risks, only through the closure to avoid risk.这种没有技术含量的发展,最终后果是抗风险能力差,只能通过关张来躲避风险。
5.Estabpshing effective management of the suppper system is helpful to the increase of efficiency and avoid risk in the purchasing.建立有效的供应商管理机制有助于在应急采购活动中提高效率,规避风险。
6.Timely feedback relevant market information and make recommendations to rationapze, to avoid risk of the company.及时反馈相关市场信息,并做出合理化建议,规避公司风险。
7.Accordingly, to avoid risk, and achieve efficiency, we need to take advantage of legal economics to account various factors.如何避开风险,实现效益,就需要在制度设计时,运用经济学的策略综合考虑各种因素。
8.Bio-safety conditions should be strictly followed to avoid risk of infection for laboratory staff.为避免实验室人员的感染风险,必须严格遵守生物安全条件。
9.Liu Cheng suggested that in the short term, most companies avoid risk way is to reduce inventory.刘成建议,短期内,减少库存是多数企业躲避风险的办法。
10.In this environment, the freight business to identify risks and how to avoid risk is to enhance the competitiveness of key enterprises.在这一环境中,货代企业要如何识别风险和规避风险是增强企业竞争实力的关键因素。