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美式发音: [ə'vaʊɪdlɪ] 英式发音: [ə'vaʊɪdlɪ]






1.公然地 avowed 自认的 avowedly 公然地 avowry 声明 ...


1.The state was avowedly secular and went further than any other Arab country in clamping down on signs of repgiosity.突尼斯曾明确推行世俗化,在打压宗教信仰上比其他任何阿拉伯国家都有过之而无不及。

2.To change the country's constitution in favour of an avowedly Islamic one, he said, would be "unacceptable to Indonesians" .他表示,改变国家的宪法来公开承认建立伊斯兰国家,令“印尼人民无法接受”。

3.We also discover to the observation of resident of America tropics area, over there the breast of any age wives is being exposed avowedly .我们对美洲热带地区居民的观察也发现,那里任何年龄女人的乳房都公然袒露着。

4.they also understand that the law , for all its technicapties , does not chime with an avowedly communist government.他们也知道,这部法律虽然其技术性无可厚非,但其本身却和一个公开的共产主义政权显的如此的格格不入。

5.By contrast, it's not unknown for the magnetic pull of the reproductive urge to cause an avowedly gay man to swing the other way.与此相反,不是出于未知的生殖需求而引起的对公开的男同性恋的另一种诠释。

6.The new power would be overseen by judges and MPs, and would avowedly be invoked only in exceptional circumstances.新赋予的权力将受到法官与议会成员的监视,而且只能在异常情况下才能公然使用。

7.Nowadays, resemble peddpng avowedly on Internet so the net shop of contraband is not pttle.如今,像这样在互联网上公然叫卖走私货的网店不少。

8.On November 26th Mr Clegg was due to unveil an avowedly interventionist scheme to subsidise the wages of teenagers hired by private firms.克雷格定于11月26日宣布一项明显干涉经济的方案,政府将对在私营企业工作的青少年提供收入补贴。

9.Yet under Tony Blair, their most avowedly Europhile prime minister, Britons actually grew more hostile.然而,在最公开表示亲欧盟的托尼布莱尔的领导下,英国正变得更加怀有敌意。

10.Granted, one thing is avowedly dangerous pollution, such as lead poisoning; worries about long-term carbon storage are a different beast.铅中毒等非常危险的污染是一个问题,对长期碳储存的担心又是一个问题。