美式发音: 英式发音:adj.畏惧的
1.充满敬畏的 awe-stricken 畏惧的 awe-struck 充满敬畏的 aweary 疲倦的 ...
造句带翻译释义:,畏惧的,充满敬畏的1.He was still so young at that point (21) that I even think he might have been a pttle awe-struck at everything.他当时还是非常年轻的(21岁),我甚至认为他所做到的事情领你肃然起敬。
2.I was a bit awe-struck meeting Frank and all the other stars, but they all made me feel so much at home.面对兰帕德和其他明星们让我感到充满敬畏,但他们让我觉得很自在。
3."When he first walked into the Oval Office, he seemed a pttle awe-struck, " Krogh recalls, "but he quickly warmed to the situation. "“当他刚走进椭圆办公室时,他看起来有点惊讶,但很快就适应了环境。”克罗回忆道。
4.What about the popular accounts that insist, awe-struck, that even Genghis Khan was humbled by the Afghans?有个广为流传的说法以敬畏的语气坚称,连成吉思汗都曾经被阿富汗人羞辱过,这又是怎么回事?
5.When the wonder of nature is revealed, one is left breathless and awe-struck .在发现大自然的神奇时,会令人惊讶兴奋,敬畏之情油然而生。
6.We are awe-struck by enormous mammals that float.我们也心存敬畏,浮游哺乳的巨大。
7.I am awesome, and you are just awe-struck我是强者,而你只是个懦夫