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a bit much是什么意思_怎么读

a bit much

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na.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that you think something is unfair

1.有点过火 ... gorgeous: 华丽的、极好的 a bit much: 超出可承担的程度,有点过火 pneup: 列队 ...

2.过分 too-too: 过分 a bit much过分;不应当;不合理 over the top: 过分;过火;过头 ...

3.不应当 too-too: 过分 a bit much: 过分;不应当;不合理 over the top: 过分;过火;过头 ...

4.有些过分 ... too many 多余的,不受欢迎的 a bit much [口语]有些过分 amount to much 了不起,有重要性[通常用于否定句] ...

5.有点过分了 ... Dad?Doesn't this seem a bit much? (片中)爸爸?这看起来有点过了吧? a bit much 有点过分了 过 …

6.过头了 ... Dad?Doesn't this seem a bit much? (片中)爸爸?这看起来有点过了吧? a bit much 有点过分了


1.After three books on this, it got to be a bit much, in a way.我写过三本关于此课题的书之后,觉得在某种程度上有点过火了。

2.He got really angry at the taxi driver and yelled at him for over 20 minutes. It was a bit much.他对那个出租车司机很恼怒,对他吼了20多分钟。确实有些过分了。

3.It seems a bit much to accuse the boomers of depberately setting out to rob their children, but the problems are real enough.说婴儿潮一代处心积虑地打算着掠夺自己的后代,这样的指责看似是有些过分,但是他们给儿孙们带来的麻烦确确实实摆在眼前。

4.As a book, it would have been a bit much. But on a screen the material invites dipping in.要是本儿书,它真的有点儿厚。但使用者沉浸在屏幕上的内容。

5.And as he prepared to leave the talks in the central Itapan city of L'Aquila, he admitted it was a bit much.当他准备离开意大利中部城市拉奎拉时,他承认这有点多。

6."The explosions in the backyard were getting to be a bit much, " she told me, shortly before my own visit to the family's home.“后院里的爆炸事件的确发生了不少,”在我亲自拜访这一家人的不久之前,已是大学生的阿什莉曾这样告诉我说。

7.It was a bit much to keep up with three entirely separate web sites - the business web site vs personal web site vs personal blog.同时让我难以忍受的是,我要整理不同的三个网站,一个商业网站、一个个人网站、一个个人博客。

8.In these cases, the abstractness of a relational database might be a bit much.在这些情况下,关系数据库的抽象化程度可能会稍高一些。

9.He worked every day as a cook, and then went on to do a second job in the evenings. Then one day it got to be a bit much for him.他每天白天当厨师,晚上还得接着干另一份活。结果有一天他实在受不了了。

10.While it may seem a bit much, these constant updates, which are only a few kilobytes in size, keep your system protected.虽然看起来似乎有点吃不消了,这些不断更新,其中只有少数千大小保持你的制度保障。